Mastering Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment
Love it or hate it, BEE is a fact of life for South African business today! However, while many companies have good intentions, developing and implementing an effective and sustainable BEE strategy is not easy. This process is made ever more difficult in the environment of ever changing legislation, charters and scorecards.
To assist companies to understand the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act and better develop and implement BEE strategies that will work for them, AstroTech is offering a training program on “Mastering Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment”.
- Master the key issues for business surrounding the:
– Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act (BBBEE Act) 2003
– Codes of Good Practice
– Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act (PPPFA) 2000
– Transformation Charters or Sector Codes - Understand the practical implications of the 7 pillars of the Codes of Good Practice
- Learn about the specific challenges and solutions for different types of companies
to implement BBBEE from multinationals to SMME’s - Find out about what constitutes a “front” and develop practical measures to combat fronting
- Understand the Qualifying Small Enterprises (QSE) scorecard
- Develop effective and sustainable strategies for your organization for:
– Enterprise Development
– Preferential Procurement
– Corporate Social Investment/Residual - Implement practical solutions to achieve compliance in Employment Equity, Management
and Skills Development codes - Unpack and understand the new Organisational Transformation requirement of the Codes of
Good Practice - Participate in interactive discussions aimed at enhancing an in-depth understanding and identifying
practical solutions of BBBEE implementation
And much more!
- BEE compliance Managers
- Transformation Managers
- CSI managers & Staff
- Procurement practitioners
- BEE Procurement Managers
- Enterprise development specialists
- Organisational Development Professionals
- BEE specialists
- Small business owners
- Compliance Managers & staff
- HR Professionals
- Skills Development Managers & Staff
- Learn practical tools for the implementation of BBBEE in your organisation
- Understand all pillars of the generic and the qualifying small enterprises (QSE) scorecard
- Develop your own strategies and policies for BBBEE during the course with the assistance of an industry specialist
- Prepare your organization for verification by an accredited verification agency
Choose your preferred training type/method of delivery below.
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